SNEI is 51% Women & Minority owned and is currently certified through the WRMSCD, CPUC and NDOT as: WBE, MBE, DBE & SBE


AvianSNEI has a broad array of experience in conducting surveys within the Southwest region in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Endangered Species Act. SNEI provides a wide variety of services for the threatened, endangered and sensitive birds. Our staff of qualified biologists are experienced in conducting avian point counts, migratory bird, raptor and sensitive species surveys and inventories within the proposed right-of-way corridors and zone-of-influence areas to determine the presence of indigenous and/or migratory birds.

Avian Services:

  •     Avian Point Count Surveys
  •     Bald & Golden Eagle Surveys & Monitoring
  •     Burrowing Owl Surveys & Clearances
  •     Gila Woodpecker Surveys
  •     Gilded Flicker Surveys
  •     Migratory Bird Surveys & Nest Monitoring
  •     Raptor Surveys & Nest Monitoring
  •     Sage Grouse Surveys & Monitoring
  •     Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Surveys